Juvenile Laryngeal Paralysis and Polyneuropathy (JLPP)
What is JLPP
JLPP is a disease that causes deterioration of the nervous system. The longest nerve which controls the muscles of the larynx (voice box) is affected first. This leads to muscle weakness and obstruction of air flow into the lungs after exercise or when the dog is hot.
A Disease of Puppies
A disease that occurs in young Rottweilers, JLPP affects neurological signaling that travels from the brain through nerves. In puppies born with JLPP, the vagus nerve, the longest and most complex cranial nerve, fails to develop normally. In a normal dog, the vagus nerve signals the muscles of the voice box, creating the sound of a bark when the vocal folds vibrate as air moves over them and assisting breathing by pulling the vocal folds aside so air can move easily into the lungs. The vagus nerve also helps to close the larynx when the dog swallows to prevent choking on food or water.
When the nerves are unable to convey messages properly, the muscles become weak or paralyzed. The vagus nerve is often affected first, explaining why laryngeal paralysis is generally the first sign of JLPP. The vocal folds cannot be pulled out of the way as the dog breathes. Instead, they vibrate noisily and can obstruct the flow of air into the lungs. When a dog regurgitates food or water, this can result in aspiration pneumonia.
The second longest nerve in the body, the sciatic nerve, is typically affected next. This accounts for why dogs have difficulty getting up and wobble as they walk. Usually the rear legs are affected first, followed by the front legs.
Treatment for JLPP is limited. The breathing problems caused by laryngeal paralysis can be improved with surgery, but the progressive disease eventually wins over. Weakness and coordination problems become more severe, and dogs can develop problems swallowing. While a rare condition, eventually all dogs have to be euthanized.
Recently we became aware of an inherited disease in Rottweilers called JLPP (Juvenile Laryngeal Paralysis and Polyneuropathy). As soon as we became aware of this disease many Rottweiler breeders started getting their breeding dogs tested.
How is it inherited?
JLPP is recessive which means that both parents have to be carriers of the JLPP gene in order to produce an affected puppy. If at least one parent is clear then the breeding will not produce an affected puppy. If one parent is a carrier then the breeding will produce both carrier and clear puppies (but no affected). If both parents are clear then the breeding will produce only clear puppies.
Why is it important to test breeding dogs?
It is important to test for this disease as it is always fatal to affected puppies. There is no cure. Symptoms can start to manifest at 12 weeks of age, but, may take longer. Most affected puppies die before 1 year of age. This means that the breeder cannot tell without a DNA test if a puppy is affected before it leaves for its new home at 8 weeks old.
What can I do?
Before buying a Rottweiler puppy make sure at least one of the parents has been tested JLPP clear. For most people (those not looking to breed) it does not matter if one of the parents is a carrier as long as the other is clear.
Do I need to test? For most the answer is no. Only breeding dogs need to be tested.
There are some breeders of Rottweilers (some registered with CKC/AKC and some not) who will try to tell people looking to buy one of their puppies that Juvenile Laryngeal Paralysis and Polyneuropathy (JLPP) is not a common problem in our breed. We are not hearing of reputable and ethical breeders behaving this way, but regardless of this buyers need to be aware of what JLPP is and what to ask the breeder. We have witnessed an example of this sort of behavior from CKC and AKC registered breeders in social media forums. These kind of breeders (a) breeder are only out to make profit off their Rottweilers!!
We are seeing breeders whom are not only not testing their breeding dogs, but they are also saying such things as…
* JLPP is no more prevalent in our breed than any other breed.
UNTRUTH – JLPP only exists in the Rottweiler, Russian Black Terrier and Leonberger. * Breeders would know if their dogs were JLPP Carriers because they would have seen signs.
UNTRUTH – JLPP Carrier dogs do not exhibit any signs of illness at all. They are a perfectly healthy dog and live a perfectly normal life. It is only when two of these Carrier dogs are mated together that Affected puppies can/will be born in a litter. * Breeders would know if their breeding dogs were Carriers because they have bred with them previously and all of the puppies were fine.
UNTRUTH – Some breeders do not keep in touch with their puppy people and would not know if they started exhibiting signs of JLPP a month or after the puppy left. Also given the mode of inheritance of JLPP and the fact that some unborn puppies can die in utero, it is possible that all of the litter ended up being JLPP Clear or Carrier and therefore healthy. * Educating the public on such diseases in breed like JLPP is scare mongering.
UNTRUTH – JLPP is real, it exists. We are finding more and more JLPP Carrier dogs becoming apparent within Australia almost everyday, as well as around the world. This is a good thing because ethical breeders will use this information to ensure their breeding practices are eliminating any risk at all of producing affected off spring. * Vets and specialists around Australia say that JLPP is not a problem in the Rottweiler because it is so rare.
UNTRUTH. Most vets and vet specialists around Canada and the United States are still not aware of JLPP. Breeders of Rottweilers are taking this opportunity to educate their vets by way of passing on information to them and encouraging them to find out about this disease.
THIS information is to educate puppy buyers so they can make better informed choices regarding the purchase of their Rottweiler puppy. We cannot express more strongly the importance of asking the breeder you are making inquiries with the JLPP status of both parents of your puppy is. Insist on seeing the certificates that show this status. Ensure your puppies parents are either both JLPP Clear or only one of them is JLPP Carrier.
NOTE, do NOT be afraid or embarrassed to walk away from a breeder who will not provide you with the information you are asking to see. There will be another breeder with a lovely puppy who will be forthcoming with JLPP certificates plus all the required health certificates and clearances you are being advised to ask to see.
For more information about JLPP and to order testing kits please click the OFA link below.
Orthopedic Foundation for Animals
It is so important when purchasing a purebred puppy to ask the breeder what health testing has been done on the sire and dam, and they should be able and willing to provide documentation as proof and or guide you to the OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) website with the dogs registered name. You will be able to look up the dog by its registered name and see what health testing has been done. If they can’t provide you with any of this, run the other way as fast as you can and don't look back!